Casais Angola rehabilitates teaching space and associates itself to a Social Responsibility project


Casais Angola rehabilitates teaching space and associates itself to a Social Responsibility project

Within the scope of the Social Responsibility project “Together in Development, Building Smiles”, Casais Angola developed a rehabilitation work in the Carlos Tesche Primary School, located in the Golf Neighborhood, in the outskirts of Luanda.

The rehabilitation work consisted of applying ceramic tiles and painting the classrooms that were most degraded, thus providing better conditions for the 1,052 children that are enrolled in this school institution.

It should be noted that, on the day of the formalization of the conclusion of the intervention, were present, besides the Casais team, the Portuguese Ambassador in Luanda, João Caetano Silva, and the Ambassadress Margarita Mexicano.

Simultaneously, taking into consideration the emergent state caused by Covid-19, Casais Angola, has recently associated itself to the Volunteers Group COVID19-Angola, a group of people and companies that showed solidarity with the production and free distribution of individual protection visors (IPV) to public institutions (hospitals, health centers, fire departments, notaries, etc.).

Through its donation, Casais Angola contributed to the manufacturing and distribution of 2.000 individual protection visors, later delivered by the Volunteer Group to several local institutions without economic power and that deal mainly with people in need.


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