Usage Policy of the Casais Group’s social media pages

Nowadays, the Casais Group is present on several social networks, namely, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.
All these pages are managed by the Marketing, Image and Communication Department of the Casais Group, and their main objective is to raise awareness of the Casais Group, its areas of activity and corresponding companies, as well as to establish a relationship of interaction with the surrounding community. Our main goal is to encourage a transparent, courteous and meaningful dialogue among all Users.

All information, data, publications or content published on these pages (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube) are the property of the Casais Group and, therefore, when accessing it, the User must be aware of the general Conditions of Use and must fully accept and without reservation the terms and conditions of use establlished by the above mentioned social networks and each of the general conditions herewith established.

The Casais Group thanks in advance the interaction and the participation in its Pages, showing its availability to answer to all questions.


Responsibility and Privacy

All content published on social media pages must respect the rules of the platforms, namely Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube as well as the Portuguese Law, in particular that relating to the protection of personal data, industrial and intellectual property, as well as the image rights.

Users accept and pledge to use the Pages exclusively for private purposes, and their use for commercial purposes is prohibited.

The Casais Group is not responsible for the opinions published on these Pages by Users, nor does it assume any guarantee about the authenticity, accuracy or up-to-dateness of the information published in these publications, being the User the solely responsible for them. The Casais Group is not responsible for any losses or material or personal damages that may arise, directly or indirectly, from the use of the information provided, and the User is solely and exclusively responsible for all decisions made based on that information.

The opinions, information, arguments and language published by Users in the comment boxes of these Pages are the exclusive responsibility of the Users and can in no way be set off against the Casais Group.
These Pages contain links to other sites on the Internet, which may contain useful information for our visitors.

However, our usage policies do not apply to third-party websites, so if you visit other websites from our pages, you should take into account their usage policies. The administration of these pages is not responsible for the contents existing on these same sites.

In no case will the Casais Group, its employees and its partners be liable for any type of damage, harm, loss or claim resulting from any use of the Pages, or from the information acquired through them, from computer viruses, operational failures, service interruptions or network failures.


Conditions of Use

It is our aim that all Users enjoy the Pages in the best way, so we ask you to carefully read and comply with the points mentioned below. We remind you that these rules are mandatory for all Users of the Casais Group Pages.

The Casais Group reserves the right to delete comments and discussions that, in its sole discretion, are inauspicious or inappropriate, namely, the contents, messages, data and/or any information published in vulgar, discriminatory, insulting or offensive language, as well as anything that could be interpreted as aggressive (accusations, threats, insults, grievances, defamations, etc.).

The Casais Group also reserves the right to delete comments and block Users who, in its sole discretion:

  • Are considered offensive and provocative;
  • Are racist, homophobic, sexually explicit and abusive;
  • Contain offensive language;
  • Are or promote illegal activities;
  • Promote commercial services;
  • Suggest the existence of a false profile or identity theft;
  • Include contacts – telephone numbers, addresses and email;
  • Describe and promote activities that jeopardize the well-being of others;
  • Are considered SPAM or unauthorized advertising;
  • Do not have, repeatedly, any relation to the theme of the Page;
  • Suggest the existence of a conflict of interest.

The Casais Group also reserves the right to remove messages that repeatedly contain offensive and personal comments about other Users of the aforementioned social networks or people who work for the Group’s companies, without prejudice to adopting any other measures foreseen under the law.

Users who make comments or publish content, messages or data considered, by the Casais Group at its sole discretion, as offensive, scurrilous or that in any way harm third parties or the good name of the Casais Group, which appeal to verbal or physical violence, which provoke derogatory and non-constructive discussions, will be blocked and removed from Pages.

If any comment or image of a User is blocked or deleted, the User must not repeat the action, under penalty of blocking or removal from the Pages.


Final Provisions

All pages are managed during normal working hours, with a commitment to regular responses, seeking to clarify and moderate the questions and comments of Users on working days, as soon as possible.

The distinctive features of the Casais Group are registered and therefore benefit from the legal protection associated with Industrial Property rights, and may not, under any circumstances, be used by third parties without the prior and express authorization of the Casais Group.

The Casais Group reserves the right to take legal action against users or to provide information about them to the competent authorities, in order to facilitate the identification of those who use the comment boxes on the page to commit or encourage acts that could be considered criminal, namely insults, defamation, appeal to violence, disrespect for national symbols, promotion of racism, xenophobia and homophobia or any other.

The Casais Group assumes no responsibility for damages resulting from possible situations of impossibility, delay, suspension or interruption in access to the Pages due to technical failures or for any other reasons.

The Casais Group does not guarantee that access to the Pages will not suffer interruptions or disturbances resulting from technical problems.

Any question about these Conditions of Use of Social Network Pages should be addressed to

The Casais Group reserves the right, at any time and without any notice, to change these General Conditions of Use, publishing them through the same channel.

The Casais Group reserves the right, at any time and without any justification or prior notice, to suspend, complete, modify, update or delete any or all of its Pages.

Access to or use of the Casais Group’s Social Network Pages implies acceptance by the User of the aforementioned conditions.



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Formulário de dúvidas e denúncias

É importante para o Grupo Casais, conhecer as suas sugestões e reclamações, de forma a garantir que podemos melhorar continuamente.

Como colaborador, colaborador de um nosso parceiros, parte interessada ou testemunha pode denunciar situações de forma anónima, submeter informação sobre situações condenáveis ou denunciar ações ilegais, que violem políticas internas e/ou o nosso código de conduta de fornecedores.

As denúncias podem ser efetuadas de forma confidencial, indicando o nome e as informações de contacto ou, se quiser, de forma 100% anónima, deixando os campos em branco. Todas as denúncias serão tratadas de forma segura e confidencial.