
Casais in the World

With more than 25 years of international experience, the Casais Group has managed its growth by prioritizing strategic alliances and seeking new markets, maintaining a culture of excellence and sustainability.

In this regard, the stable political environment, a fast-growing economy combined with transparent regulations and a dynamic private sector make Ghana an ideal country to ensure our growth in sub-Saharan Africa.

Thus, our knowledge allows us, on the one hand, to be the guarantee of high responsibility towards the customer and, on the other, to dominate the process Casais’ innovative tailor-made solutions, combined with what we have best, namely human capital, meeting deadlines, ability to offer solutions and proximity to our customers, are incorporated into each project we carry out and add value to our history.


With a presence in the market since 2020, Casais stands out for the services provided throughout the business cycle and for the global coordination of projects with specialized domain and technical know-how in all construction sectors.

Project selection in portfolio


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Formulário de dúvidas e denúncias

É importante para o Grupo Casais, conhecer as suas sugestões e reclamações, de forma a garantir que podemos melhorar continuamente.

Como colaborador, colaborador de um nosso parceiros, parte interessada ou testemunha pode denunciar situações de forma anónima, submeter informação sobre situações condenáveis ou denunciar ações ilegais, que violem políticas internas e/ou o nosso código de conduta de fornecedores.

As denúncias podem ser efetuadas de forma confidencial, indicando o nome e as informações de contacto ou, se quiser, de forma 100% anónima, deixando os campos em branco. Todas as denúncias serão tratadas de forma segura e confidencial.