Casais was established on 23rd of May 1958 under the name of “António Fernandes da Silva & Irmãos, Lda”.

Later, in 1991, it adopted the Master António Casais family’s nickname as its brand, becoming Empreiteiros Casais de António Fernandes da Silva SA. Today, the organization is widely known as Casais Group and is run and managed by 2nd and 3rd generation family members.
More than six decades of work guided by knowledge and accuracy are fundamental to cement the prominent position of Casais Engineering and Construction in the field of Civil Construction and Public Works in Portugal Today, in addition to Engineering & Construction, the Group is present in the Trades and Industries sectors as well as Real Estate and Asset Management.
Considered by the Construir Awards, for the 5th time, the Best Building Company in Portugal, Casais has a know-how built with mastery and rigor in the national and international market. It maintains a family-owned enterprise characteristic through over 65 years of strategic, ethical, and professional principles. This has dictated Casais´s success over time through rational management and deadlines compliance.

With a consolidated presence in the domestic market, the internationalization initiated in 1994 in Germany is a pillar of the strategy of organic growth, supported by local partnerships and alliances. Today, internationalization is key to the Group’s development, accounting for more than 80 per cent of global turnover. Based on the adaptation to the local culture and privileging strategic partnerships for a solid presence, the Casais Group’s performance extends to 17 markets: Portugal, Germany, Angola, Belgium, Brazil, United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi and Dubai), Spain, United States of America (Texas), France, Ghana, Gibraltar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, Morocco, Mozambique, Qatar, and the United Kingdom. However, the Group’s history of internationalization includes other countries such as Algeria, Russia, Kazakhstan, China, and Cape Verde.

The future is mainly driven by continued growth in the national market, by the focus on internationalization, consolidating our presence in the countries where we are currently working and studying our entry into other countries, The Casais Group's vision is to be reference of knowledge and strength in Construction and Engineering areas, working daily with the purpose of building its clients' vision and a better and more sustainable tomorrow.


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As denúncias podem ser efetuadas de forma confidencial, indicando o nome e as informações de contacto ou, se quiser, de forma 100% anónima, deixando os campos em branco. Todas as denúncias serão tratadas de forma segura e confidencial.