
Because the Casais Group makes a global impact, our mission to develop stronger people and communities is still in its infancy. Every day, we mobilize competent people who are capable of empowering others and being empowered themselves. We create wealth and added value by transferring products and services from one region or country to another all the time. We are building a knowledge network that freely circulates and travels at the speed of light, crossing borders effortlessly without the need for visas.

We identify challenges and opportunities, and create objectives and structures to achieve our goals. We are well aware that we are serving society, one that needs responsible construction by competent professionals who are guided by a desire to make a positive impact in the world.

These are the reasons why we have set in motion the idea of sharing useful and relevant content to enhance and strengthen the personal, interpersonal and relational skills of our teams. We concluded that it is important not just for us, but also for everyone who is keen to develop their soft skills potential and discover new ways of handling interpersonal communications in the workplace and beyond. You can follow us here our in our Linkedin page for more content.

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Formulário de dúvidas e denúncias

É importante para o Grupo Casais, conhecer as suas sugestões e reclamações, de forma a garantir que podemos melhorar continuamente.

Como colaborador, colaborador de um nosso parceiros, parte interessada ou testemunha pode denunciar situações de forma anónima, submeter informação sobre situações condenáveis ou denunciar ações ilegais, que violem políticas internas e/ou o nosso código de conduta de fornecedores.

As denúncias podem ser efetuadas de forma confidencial, indicando o nome e as informações de contacto ou, se quiser, de forma 100% anónima, deixando os campos em branco. Todas as denúncias serão tratadas de forma segura e confidencial.