Braga University Residence contract signed


Braga University Residence contract signed

On 29 November, the contract was signed for the construction of the new Braga University Residence, on the former Confiança Factory site, located in the parish of São Victor. Representing an investment of EUR 25.51 million, the project includes 786 beds for students, in response to the growing need for good quality and affordable university accommodation in the region.

The object of a public tender, the project was awarded to Casais Group, who will have to complete all planning and construction within 400 days. The project came about as a result of significant funding under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).

The new residence will have a sizable beneficial impact on urban revitalization. Not only will it preserve the historical value of the old factory but it will also include a 1200 m² cultural space with museums and a commercial area to sell products from the old “Heritage” line. More importantly, it will double the capacity of public student accommodation in the city and contribute to urban regeneration.

The project is seen as crucial both nationally and locally, and is notable for its dual objective of doubling the public supply of accommodation for higher education students at the University of Minho and the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado e Ave, and promoting urban regeneration. “It’s the largest project in terms of number of rooms and student accommodation capacity, and is also the largest financial investment in university residences in Portugal to date,” said Mayor Ricardo Rio.

For Casais Group CEO António Carlos Rodrigues, “The new University Residence in the building of the old Fábrica da Confiança is an example of cutting-edge sustainable construction in action since it will be integrated into a complex featuring the new generation of innovative buildings. This project uses the CREE timber-hybrid system, involving a timber and concrete composite which maximises sustainability, combining energy efficiency with a reduced carbon footprint. What’s more, the use of Digital Twin technology allows for intelligent, optimised management of the building throughout its life cycle. This project responds to the current needs of students and also sets a new bar for the future of construction in Portugal.”


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