Carpinangola and Probetão participate in the Expo-Industry Fair


Carpinangola and Probetão participate in the Expo-Industry Fair

Under the motto “More Industry, More Employment, More Angola”, the IV Edition of the Expo-Industry, in Luanda’s EEZ counted with the participation of the companies Carpinangola and Probetão.

The two companies had the privilege of receiving at their stand the President of the Republic of Angola, Dr. João Lourenço, accompanied by the First Lady Ana Lourenço, the Vice-President Bornito de Sousa and the Secretary of State for Industry, Ivan do Prado, thus promoting their latest projects and products, namely, the New Industrial Unit (Carpinangola) and the new concrete roof tile (Probetão).

Note that, as a National Production Unit, accredited by the Ministry of Economy, Carpinangola has just been nominated for the 1st Edition of the Industry Excellence Awards.


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