Casais Group celebrates 66 years of expertise and innovation


On 23 May, the Casais Group celebrated its 66th anniversary at a ceremony that brought employees and partners together to commemorate the organisation’s history, growth and innovation. The occasion was attended by some of the descendants of the company’s founder, and included the ceremonial cutting of the cake and the presentation of awards for the ElogiAr-te initiative, which gives due praise and recognition to the efforts and merit of employees.


José da Silva Fernandes, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Casais Group, opened the event by emphasising the importance of the founders’ legacy. “More than six decades have passed since Mestre António Casais and his brothers founded the company. Today, the image, value and prestige that the Casais Group brings to Portuguese and international markets are a source of great pride,” he said. He also outlined the company’s challenging journey, highlighting the crucial role played by all members of the organisation in its success. “The excellent positive image that the Casais Group has in the market today is without a doubt due to the performance, respect and spirit of dedication of our employees. We sincerely pay tribute to everyone, especially those who are no longer with us.”


In his speech, Casais Group CEO António Carlos Rodrigues pointed out that 66 years was a significant milestone in that it is more or less equivalent to two thirds of a century. “We are creating a legacy that we are proud of. At the beginning of the year, we changed our tag line to ‘Well Built for Well Living’, reflecting our commitment to quality and making a positive impact on society,” he said.


He also stressed the importance of healthy, collaborative relationships with clients and partners, a principle that has been at the heart of the company’s mission and vision since 2009. One the CEO’s key remarks touched on the advances in sustainability and innovation, two areas in which the Casais Group has invested heavily. He mentioned that, “Sustainability has two dimensions for us: our relationship with society and how we interact with the environment. Our Mestre Casais Foundation is doing an excellent job, focussing on climate change and sustainability.”


After the speeches, the organisational recognition and merit awards ceremony was held. The ElogiAr-te initiative honoured employees in several categories, such as innovation, safety and dedication. “Small gestures, such as a compliment or genuine praise, make people happy and brighten their day,” said Sofia Miranda, Corporate Human Resources Manager at the Casais Group, who encourages the continuation of this culture within the organisation.


To round off the event participants socialised over coffee, and chatted about this collective celebration of the successes and challenges that make up the 66-year history of Casais Group.


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