Casais Group Wins Best Place to Work Award


Casais Group Wins Best Place to Work Award

The Casais Group wins Best Place to Work Award , according to Great Place to Work® Portugal.


The winning companies were revealed this evening at the Convent of Beato António in Lisbon. The largest study of organisational climate in Portugal presented the companies which, according to their employees, have the highest levels of trust.


This is the second time that the Casais Group has received a Best WorkplacesTM in Portugal award. This recognition is based on a specific approach and methodology, used for over 30 years, which primarily considers the employees’ points of view, analysed from their voluntary and anonymous responses to a questionnaire (Trust Index©).


This is a distinction earned by and for the people of the Casais Group, in which employees are the source of inspiration for creating and maintaining excellent working environments.

“We are increasingly convinced that this type of recognition is in line with our values and a result of the way we respect our employees. We know that people are our most important asset and that providing good working conditions leads to a consolidation of strengths in our team, which is motivated and prepared for the challenges of the future. We work every day to create a positive impact on society, which translates into so many aspects of our business, including the ability to attract and retain talent. Knowing that 91% of our people feel welcomed when they join the company is one of the indicators that makes us believe we are on the right track. This award reflects our sense of community and brings with it not only greater responsibility, but also the certainty that we are making a difference to the new generation and growing together with the pride of taking the name of the Casais Group further,” said António Carlos Rodrigues, CEO of the Casais Group.




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