Casais presents three candidates to the National Prize of Urban Rehabilitation (PNRU)


Casais presents three candidates to the National Prize of Urban Rehabilitation (PNRU)

Casais submitted three candidatures to the National Prize of Urban Rehabilitation (PNRU) 2020 with the rehabilitation works of the Rural Hotel of Barrosinha, in Alcácer do Sal, candidate to the award of best intervention for tourism use, the Bairro Alto Hotel, in Lisbon, also candidate to the award of best intervention for tourism use, and the vacant building that occupied the number 150 of the street Calçada de Santana, in Lisbon, candidate to the award of best intervention for residential use.

The National Urban Rehabilitation Award is an initiative of Vida Imobiliária and Promevi, with the high patronage of the Government of Portugal, granted through the Directorate-General of Cultural Heritage, an entity under the Ministry of Culture, and the Porto Trade Association, which distinguishes the urban interventions of greatest value to society in its multiple aspects.

The contribution to the qualification of cities and its impact on the community, success measured by market acceptance, social impact and value, the ability to induce change in the urban fabric. The different valences of a successful real estate initiative will be under scrutiny to reward excellence.


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