Awards and Distinctions

The Casais Group has been distinguished and recognized, nationally and internationally, as an organization for its mission and work developed in the several countries where it operates.


Sustainability in the Built Environment Award 2024 | BUILT CoLAB
1st Place – Circularity Category | Grupo Casais
Industrialised Construction – B&B Hotel Tres Cantos and The First


Real Estate Awards | SIC Notícias and Expresso
Sustainable Construction/Architecture - The First Building

Construir 2022 Awards
Best National Construction Company - Casais Engenharia e Construção
Best Private Project - The First Building
Best Office Real Estate Project - Corporate First Gaia

Leão de Ouro Award | FILDA
Best Contribution to Civil Engineering and Public Works category

SIRIUS Awards | Deloitte
Human Capital Development Programme

Order of Portuguese Psychologists
Healthy Workplaces

Randstad Employer Brand Research 2023
One of the Top 3 Best Companies to Work For in Construction and Infrastructure - Casais, Engenharia e Construção

Vida Imobiliária's "National Urban Rehabilitation Award" in the Best Structural Rehabilitation category
Rehabilitation of the Lower Deck of the Luiz I Bridge on the Douro River

National Sustainability Award | Jornal de Negócios
"The First" wins 1st place in the Well-being and Sustainable Cities category

Best Workplaces Awards
Best Places to Work - Casais Group (6th place in the company with +500 employees category)


Wellbeing Awards
Certified Company in Wellbeing Best Practices

Construir 2023 Awards
Personality of the Year – CEO António Carlos Rodrigues
Best Private-Sector Construction Project -
Hotel B&B Guimarães
Best Public-Sector Construction Project -
Refurbishment of the lower deck of the Luiz I Bridge

Mobis XIV 2023 Award - Mobiliário em Notícia
Productive Innovation - Casais Group

Excellence Award - CREE Buildings

Recognition of Excellence Award, Government of Gibraltar - Casais Gibraltar

Randstad Employer Brand Research 2023
One of the Top 3 Best Companies to Work For in Construction and Infrastructure - Casais, Engenharia e Construção

Circularity in the Built Environment Award, from BUILT CoLAB
1st place in the Sustainability category - Casais, Engenharia e Construção

Infraspeak Awards
Infraspeak Network Pioneer - Opertec
More Efficient Operation – Casais, Engenharia e Construção


Construir 2022 Awards
Best National Construction Company - Casais Construction and Engineering

"Inspiring Portugal" Award
Sustainability - Casais (Honorable Mention)

Best Workplaces Awards
Best Places to Work -
Casais Group (3rd place in the company with >1000 employees category)

Infraspeak Awards
Gold Award in the "Most Efficient Operation" category and Silver Award in the "Most Efficient Maintenance" category
- Opertec


Internal Communication Observatory (OCI) Awards
Inspirational Leader - António Carlos Rodrigues, Casais Group CEO

Excellence Index 2020
6th place in the Large Company category - Casais Group


Heritage Awards 2020
Grand Central House Prize - Casais Gibraltar

Building 2020 Awards
Best National Construction Company - Casais Construction and Engineering

Building 2020 Awards
Sustainability Award (Lisbon Green Valley) - Casais Engenharia e Construção

Braga City Council's Municipal Merit Medals
Gold Grade Medal - Casais Engenharia e Construção

Expresso/SIC Notícias Real Estate Awards 2020
Bairro Alto Hotel Rehabilitation Award - Casais Engenharia e Construção

Expresso/SIC Notícias Real Estate Awards 2020
Bairro Alto Hotel Prestige Award - Casais Engenharia e Construção

Portugal 2020 Real Estate Show
Bairro Alto Hotel Urban Rehabilitation Award - Casais Engenharia e Construção


Excellence Index 2019
Winner Sector Construction, Infrastructure, Transportation and Logistics - Casais Group

Excellence Index 2019
9th place in the Large Company category - Casais Group

Building Awards 2019
Best National Construction Company - Casais Construction and Engineering

Building Awards 2019
Sustainability Award (Villa Nature) - Casais Engenharia e Construção

Millenium Horizons Awards
Internationalization Prize - CasaiInvest SGPS, SA


Building Awards 2018
Best National Construction Company - Casais Construction and Engineering

Building Awards 2018
Constructor Internationalization Award - Casais Engenharia e Construção

Torre de Belém Award
Luso Belgian Luxemburg Chamber of Commerce - Carpin.BE

DIT Awards - International Expansion
Casais Engineering and Construction


Construir Awards 2017
Best National Construction Company - Casais Construction and Engineering

2017 Construction Innovation Awards - Building Systems,
Calçada da Estrela 24: Use of a Supported Crane - Casais;

2017 Construction Innovation Awards - Technologies and Computing Systems,
Eurotowers West One site: Stability Design Optimization BIM Pilot Project - Casais

Innovation in Construction Awards 2017 - Renewable Energy,
by Energy Storage Systems - Ampere Energy

Internationalization Ranking of Portuguese Companies (RIEP), from INDEG-ISCTE
1st Place in Companies with billing up to 300 million euros and 3rd Place in the Ranking of Internationalization of Portuguese Companies 2017 - Casais


Safety Award Interbuild
Work Havenhuis, Antwerp - CNT Belgium

Export & Internationalization Awards 2016
Winner in the Internationalization Category for Large Companies - Casais Group

Construir 2016 Construction Rehabilitation Awards
1st Prize in the "Construction" Category

Construction Innovation Awards
Company of the Year Merit Award - Opertec

Portugal Digital Awards
Best Return on Digital Investment Award - Casais Engenharia e Construção

INDEG-ISCTE Ranking Portuguese companies with international strategies
3rd place - Casais Engenharia e Construção


Construir Awards 2015 Rehabilitation in Construction
1st Prize in the "Construction" Category

4th Edition Masters of Human Capital (IFE -International Faculty for Executives)
Best Recruitment and Talent Retention Policy Category - Casais Group


Prémios Jornal Construir
Constructor Internationalization Award - Casais Engenharia e Construção

INDEG-IUL Ranking Portuguese companies with international strategies
6th place - Casais Engenharia e Construção


Recognition from the Governor of Gibraltar for work done - Gibraltar Couples

Heritage Award for participation and sponsorship in the restoration and relocation of an old cannon located in the well known fort "Harding's Battery" - Casais Gibraltar


Entrepreneur Award - Management - Carpincasais

Entrepreneur Award - Products/Services - Undel

National Award for Urban Rehabilitation
Best Intervention with Social Impact - Plataforma das Artes e da Criatividade (Guimarães) - Casais Engenharia e Construção

Internal Communication and Corporate Identity Observatory
Change Management- Casais Engenharia e Construção

Prémios Meios e Publicidade Comunicação
Internal Communication/Intranet Honorable Mention - Casaisnet - Casais Engenharia e Construção


Recognition Galp and Fluor E&C for 45,940 hours without on-site accidents - Galp Matosinhos Refinery (Porto) - Casais Engenharia e Construção 2010

Secil Architecture Award - Contractor
Paula Rego House of History and Memories (Cascais) - Casais Engineering and Construction

BP and Cordeel BV recognized for 50,610 accident-free hours on site - BP Headquarters Rotterdam (The Netherlands) - CNT Nederlands


National Housing Institute (INH) Award
30 Homes in Vale Domingos (Águeda) - Casais Engenharia e Construção


National Housing Institute (INH) Award
1st Prize of Private Promotion of Housing at Controlled Costs - 72 Houses in Creixomil (Guimarães) - Casais Engenharia e Construção and Construcasais


SME Construction Excellence


SME Construction Excellence


National Housing Institute (INH) Award
Honorable Mention - 25 Fires in Azurém (Guimarães) - Casais Engenharia e Construção


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É importante para o Grupo Casais, conhecer as suas sugestões e reclamações, de forma a garantir que podemos melhorar continuamente.

Como colaborador, colaborador de um nosso parceiros, parte interessada ou testemunha pode denunciar situações de forma anónima, submeter informação sobre situações condenáveis ou denunciar ações ilegais, que violem políticas internas e/ou o nosso código de conduta de fornecedores.

As denúncias podem ser efetuadas de forma confidencial, indicando o nome e as informações de contacto ou, se quiser, de forma 100% anónima, deixando os campos em branco. Todas as denúncias serão tratadas de forma segura e confidencial.