Recognition of Excellence for Casais Gibraltar


Recognition of Excellence for Casais Gibraltar

The Casais Group was honoured by the Government of Gibraltar with a Recognition of Excellence Award for 18 years of exemplary performance in this territory.

The award was presented during the ceremony marking the completion of the first construction phase of the Hassan Centenary Terraces project. This recognition highlights the Group’s technical excellence, as well as its high standards of performance in relation to ESG standards and practices.


Casais Group completes the first phase of construction of Gibraltar’s tallest building

The Casais Group has completed the first phase of construction of the Hassan Centenary Terraces (HCT) project in Gibraltar. Casais (Gibraltar) Limited has been operating there since 2005. This project is part of the Government of Gibraltar’s Affordable Housing Scheme, respecting two fundamental pillars: construction at controlled costs and ESG criteria.

“Innovative projects such as HCT, which benefit from modern and faster construction systems, are fully in line with Casais Gibraltar Limited’s strategy. This housing complex presented an opportunity in the private sector to design, build and integrate technical solutions capable of improving environmental parameters, but also to optimise productivity and meet deadlines. This project is guided by sustainability concerns, reflected in particular through the choice of materials, energy efficiency, efficient water management, waste management and environmental comfort,” said António Carlos Rodrigues, CEO of the Casais Group.


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