TBM20 has the participation of about 500 collaborators!


TBM20 has the participation of about 500 collaborators!

The 10th edition of The Big Meeting, which annually gathers the Casais Group staff, took place on January 3rd, in the Grand Auditorium of Altice Forum Braga.

This year, about 500 employees participated in the work day, which was filled with lectures by external speakers and the interventions of the Directors, who presented the results and balance of 2019 and the prospects and goals for 2020.

This year’s theme was R(E)volution, and so the challenges the organization deals with on a daily basis as well as the responses prepared to deal with them were presented.

During the working day there was also room for guest speakers such as Strauch Rainer, João Vítor Saraiva (Madjer), Commander of the Cavalry Regiment No. 6, Cavalry Colonel Miguel Freire, Cavalry Captain Bento Silva, and comedian Pedro Neves.


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