1st edition of Meet&Greet@Casais


1st edition of Meet&Greet@Casais

On March 16 and 23, the 1st edition of Meet&Greet@Casais took place in Lisbon and Braga. The event was attended by 40 participants in each session, from different backgrounds and with diverse professional experiences.

The main objective of Meet&Greet@Casais is to attract new talents for the Group’s companies, and during this edition we had the opportunity to directly and effectively hire talents and we also had other possibilities of integration in the Group.

The balance of this action couldn’t be more positive, once it was a great moment to share stories, knowledge and an excellent opportunity to bring potential candidates closer to Casais Group and to our Directors and Administration.

This is also an opportunity for the Casais Group to make itself known to the community, get to know the talents that the market has to offer and reinforce the Casais brand in the community.


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No Grupo Casais, valorizamos as suas sugestões, dúvidas e reclamações, pois acreditamos que são essenciais para o nosso processo de melhoria contínua.

Este espaço está à disposição de todos os parceiros e partes interessadas que desejem partilhar situações, questões ou dificuldades relacionadas com as interações que tiveram com as empresas do Grupo Casais.

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