Grupo Casais is a partner of the TOP – Together On Projects program


Grupo Casais is a partner of the TOP – Together On Projects program

The Casais Group was invited to be a partner of the TOP – TOGETHER ON PROJECTS Program, which was launched on the 20th of March in the Library of the Azurém Campus of UMinho, in Guimarães.

The program is a partnership of TecMinho with the Master of Engineering Project Management of the University of Minho and APOGEP (Portuguese Association of Project Management) North Center.

Casais was represented by the engineer Regina Ramos, who participated as a speaker on PANEL 2 “.Challenges of Project Management in Companies in Portugal and in the World” a collaborative, eclectic and multidisciplinary discussion around the challenges and trajectories of Project Management for the success of professionals and organizations in this “Super VUCA” world (Kevin Roberts).


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