B&B Tres Cantos Hotel Project Wins Sustainability Award in Spain


B&B Tres Cantos Hotel Project Wins Sustainability Award in Spain

The B&B Tres Cantos Hotel, constructed by the Temporary Union of Companies (UTE) Casais Spain/ACR, and promoted by Sunny Casais, heralds a new generation of sustainable buildings in Spain and has been awarded a sustainability prize at the Re Think Hotel competition, in the category of “Top 10 sustainability and hotel refurbishment projects to be executed”. This project, by the TdB Architects studio and architect Fernando Herrero, features 120 rooms, and the partnership aims to build two hotel units in Madrid.

The Re Think Hotel award ceremony took place yesterday at the State Secretariat for Tourism in Madrid. This marks the sixth B&B hotel under the Casais Group’s banner, with the first being the B&B Guimarães, which was the 700th hotel of this chain, thus setting a benchmark. The B&B Tres Cantos is the first in Spain to use hybrid construction, employing the CREE Buildings system.

This system is an industrialized solution allowing for easy assembly and disassembly, with pre-fabricated structures and facades. The B&B Tres Cantos is a five-story building where the bathrooms and parts of the networks and specialized installations are also pre-fabricated in Portugal by the Casais Group’s companies, Blufab and Blumep. TopBIM, a company of the Group offering international consulting services in Architecture and Engineering for the construction industry, was responsible for various phases, such as the coordination of pre-fabrication drawings, or even assisting in the materialization of 4D planning, which will play a central role in aligning construction and assembly of all work phases.

“We see in this award a market recognition of what we believe is the future of the sector. The B&B client believed in and has already capitalized with two hotels built on the same principles of sustainability and industrialization. We increasingly feel that we are part of a partner ecosystem that has its eyes on the future and executes in the present, guided by principles of creating a more sustainable society and communities. We believe that the process of applying a sustainable focus to this sector is a long journey, but the realization of such projects shows us that we are making progress towards the goal of the green transition in construction,” states António Carlos Rodrigues, CEO of Grupo Casais, the construction company behind the project.

Compared with traditional construction systems, the hybrid model applied in this new B&B Tres Cantos hotel allows for a 60% reduction in carbon footprint, as well as a 60% reduction in waste, a 50% reduction in local noise pollution, and can even increase energy efficiency by 10%. With 120 rooms, the Hotel will offer multiple accommodation options.

The Casais Group has demonstrated its investment in leading the sustainable transition in the sector, as well as in internationalization. In this way, it introduces in Spain a type of construction that is environmentally more sustainable and faster, meaning that the construction time is reduced. Besides these characteristics, this type of industrialized solution has the capacity to avoid demolitions and promotes the possibility of later reuse in other buildings. Thus, it represents an advantage in the possible saving of time, money, and resources.

The Portuguese construction company, operating in 17 countries, is focused on industrialization and off-site solutions, tools intended to increase efficiency and accelerate integrated production. The company is developing its commitment to innovation, technology, and explores the main performance indicators of buildings, as well as their cost over the life cycle, as it aims to accelerate the green transition in construction and contribute to the sector’s sustainability.

Recently, the Group presented other projects in Portugal where the hybrid construction system was implemented, such as the Minho Innovation and Technology Hub (Mith), from where it transported the acquired know-how and methodologies and plans to expand this practice to more projects.


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