Casais Group was at the 6th edition of Braga’s Economy Week


The Casais Group was at the 6th edition of the Economy Week in Braga, which took place between the 22nd and the 26th of May, 2022 at the Altice Forum Braga. During the event, we showed sustainable products and innovative solutions developed by our companies, which contribute to the goal of decarbonizing the activity and the sector with healthier and more sustainable buildings, to allow the construction of a better world.

As for the panels, José Gomes Mendes, CEO Mestre Casais Foundation, integrated the debate “Economic Forum – Economy and Sustainability” on May 24th.

On May 25th Pedro Lopes, Director of Development and Innovation, held a talk on “Systems and products to make construction more sustainable” in the scope of the Entrepreneurial Showcase.

António Carlos Rodrigues, CEO of the Casais Group, also integrated the Get Together around Sustainability, with the theme “The construction in the support of the SDGs and the impulse for the Circular Economy agenda”, event promoted by the Business Association of Minho, during the Braga’s Economy Week.


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