Casais Group promotes Practical Training in a Work Context in partnership with CICCOPN and IEFP


Casais Group promotes Practical Training in a Work Context in partnership with CICCOPN and IEFP

In order to respond to the emerging needs of the business, the Casais Group, in partnership with CICCOPN and IEFP, is currently promoting a new training for Production Operator (m/f). The training, with an expected duration of up to 200 hours, also includes three to six months of practical on-the-job training at BluFab’s facilities in Braga.

The candidates, with or without experience, must live in the municipality of Braga, have the minimum compulsory education and must also be unemployed and registered with the IEFP – Center for Employment and Vocational Training.

This is an action included in the IEFP program “Formação Vida Ativa” (Active Life Training) and, for this reason, has the support of the entity itself. Note that Casais will also grant an additional scholarship to each trainee during the training period in class and in a work context. During this process, the program will be supported by a continuous evaluation model monitored by Casais, with defined criteria for the validation of performance and acquisition of knowledge, essential for the attribution of the referred scholarship.

Innovation, digitalization, and sustainable construction are some of the company’s priorities, and for this reason we have been focusing on the development and implementation of projects and construction methods aimed at sustainable development and excellence in solutions and customer service.

Industrialization is our tool to increase efficiency and we believe it will be essential for the transition of construction, where we will increasingly see products and systems designed and produced in an integrated way, thus allowing us to transform construction into a process of assembling components that can be configured in different ways to achieve the contracted final result.

The visible face of this industrialization process is BluFab, a Group company created in 2019, which embodies the off-site construction unit, supplying construction sites with elements manufactured and assembled in the factory.

Thus, in addition to being completely focused on the development of quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructures designed to support human well-being and economic development, we have been promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, fostering at all times the processes of technological development, research, and innovation.

More Information and Registration HERE!


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