Casais Group reinforces its bet on Asset Promotion and Management in Portugal


Following its wide experience in real estate promotion, either in the housing segment or in industrial, commercial, hotel and services buildings, the Casais Group, despite the current context, keeps an investment cycle in assets based on a set of premises that Covid-19 reinforces and confirms.

In this sense, the Casais Group, besides being the company responsible for the construction of six B&B Hotels units, also assumes the promotion of five of these hotels – Montijo, Oeiras, Vila Nova de Gaia, Olhão and Guimarães. So far, the Casais Group has already completed the B&B Hotel Lisbon Airport, and the B&B Montijo Hotel is also being concluded. At the end of July, the Casais Group also launched the 1st stone of the B&B Hotel Porto Gaia and, in mid-September, the 1st stone of the B&B Hotel Lisbon Oeiras.

It should be noted that, the company has been developing a set of construction concepts that aim to introduce additional flexibility to the interior of buildings, and the aforementioned projects are the result of a partnership that was born in 2018, and that translates into a set of constructive solutions that were studied together with the B&B Hotels group, having been achieved with the collaborative work a high standard of quality at a very competitive cost, while raising the standard of acoustic performance and comfort. The current pandemic situation has brought great challenges, however, when concepts are aligned with future trends, one faces the future with more confidence.

Today, we seek to develop a set of construction concepts that have been worked on using BIM technology. For Casais it is already a reality the use of software that allows us to have a more incisive focus on the building’s main performance indicators, such as its cost throughout the whole life cycle, thus promoting an increase in productivity. This is therefore a symbol of the virtuosity of what can be achieved with collaborative work between those who have the vision and those who materialize it. Only by working side by side from the beginning is it possible to capture all the value and create a product where price, timing, and quality are in balance because they have been subject to collaborative debugging and shared decision making.

Construction is one of the oldest sectors and a very regional industry that uses locally available materials and skills. The solidity and beauty of the existing building allows these spaces to remain to this day. Some old buildings today are again spaces for other kinds of purposes. Today, the Casais Group acts with the premise, together in the construction of a more sustainable tomorrow. It is therefore important for construction to think about the adaptability of buildings today and in the future. If the exterior remains, in the case of the interior of existing buildings it is necessary to allow for the constant changes of use to be feasible and possible, putting on the table the reuse of materials and solutions.

To build resilient infrastructures, to promote the inclusive and sustainable industrialization, as well as to foster innovation are some of the premises that can and should be associated to the durability principle and that have been guiding the Casais Group’s performance in the market. The principles of decarbonization and circular economy are also part of the Group’s philosophy and imply rethinking construction processes based on the sustainability exercise, since transporting products and services over long distances also has an impact on the building’s carbon footprint.


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