Casais receives a visit as part of the remodelling and expansion work of the Angolan Council of Ministers Building


In the scope of the Remodeling and Expansion Contract of the Council of Ministers Building, the Production Department of Casais Angola led a committee composed of elements from the Cabinet of Special Works (GOE), DAR Angola, ROOTS GROUP and AREEN.

In the scope of the Remodeling and Expansion Contract of the Council of Ministers Building, the Production Department of Casais Angola led a committee composed of elements from the Special Works Office (GOE), DAR Angola, ROOTS GROUP and AREEN, in a visit, in February, to three European cities, Milan, London and Braga, which ended at the headquarters of the Casais Group.

The purpose of these technical visits to interior designers, furniture producers, producers and suppliers of materials and equipment, as well as the involvement of the entire technical team of this project had as its primary mission to harmonize all technical solutions that were under analysis by the Project Owner, as well as to verify “in loco” the production of these materials, analysis of final samples and, finally, to analyze within several alternatives the one that best fits the scope and context of this project.


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