Ampere Energy Portugal and Quadrina are present in Concreta

058 Noticia Ampere

The companies Ampere Energy and Quadrina were present at the largest national industry event in the area of construction, architecture, design, and engineering. The participation of the intelligent battery and electric board companies had as main objective the promotion of their products, novelties, and the brands themselves.

Probetão launches Telha Palanca

054 Noticia Probetao

The company presented a new product at the Projekta 2019 fair, the result of the investment made in new equipment, thus providing its factory and the Angolan national industry with greater industrial capacity. The Palanca roof tile is 100% produced with national raw materials and presents technical advantages that give the house greater comfort and […]

Casais Group distinguished with the Internationalization Prize

052 Noticia Premio inter

On November 14th, the Casais Group received another external recognition. It was with the greatest pride that the company received the Millennium Horizons Internationalization Prize! This is a special distinction, because it signals the external recognition for the 70% of international activity, distributed among the 16 countries where we are present.

Carpinangola is present at AIMCA’s IV Seminar

050 Noticia AIMCA

Carpinangola was present at the IV Seminar of the Angola Construction Materials Industries Association (AIMCA), of which it has been an associate member since 2016. Taking into account the main motto “Processes and Procedures”, Carpinangola presented the theme “Processes and Procedures – Industrial Technology”, associated with the way the company operates, the design and development […]

Carpinangola and Probetão participate in the Expo-Industry Fair

041 Noticia Expo industria

Under the motto “More Industry, More Employment, More Angola”, the IV Edition of the Expo-Industry, in Luanda’s EEZ counted with the participation of the companies Carpinangola and Probetão. The two companies had the privilege of receiving at their stand the President of the Republic of Angola, Dr. João Lourenço, accompanied by the First Lady Ana […]

Socimorcasal reinforces its presence in the Hospitality and Rehabilitation areas

032 Noticia Socimorcasal

Socimorcasal was the company responsible for the execution of the coverings of the hotels Six Senses Douro Valley, Holiday Inn, Casa da Companhia, The 7 Hotel, and recently embraced the project for the Hotel Cais de Gaia, a five star hotel with 120 rooms, a museum, and a wine bar. The company was also responsible […]

Quadrina with filled second quarter

030 Noticia Quadrina

The second quarter was marked by the export of another order to Angola as well as the renewal of Schneider Electric’s certification “for continued form, capacity and competence to manufacture switchboards. Also noteworthy is Quadrina’s presence at Tektónica – International Construction and Public Works Fair and at the Phoenix Contact event in Sintra, organized by […]

Carpinangola marks presence at FIMMA 2019

024 Noticia FIMMA

Between June 5th and 8th, Carpinangola was present at FIMMA 2019! This is the largest exhibition stage for the industry, furniture and wood, in Angola. The event took place at the ZEE – Special Economic Zone, in Luanda, and was supported by the Government of Angola, through the Ministry of Industry, in partnership with Eventos […]

Operangola participates in the sector’s largest fair

023 Noticia Operangola

Between June 4 and June 6, Operangola was present at Angola Oil & Gas 2019. Business deals, pre-bids for oil blocks, and debates were just some of the examples that filled the agenda of the largest conference in the oil industry, which this year brought together more than 500 managers, specialists, and decision-makers. Besides being […]


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