Get Together celebrates 10 years of knowledge and sharing


Get Together celebrates 10 years of knowledge and sharing

The Get Together Out of The Box event, which recently celebrated its 10th anniversary, gives voice to the ideas of Casais Group employees and covers incredibly diverse areas of knowledge. On the morning of 22 December 2023, more than 150 participants had 13 different innovative ideas presented to them at the Multiusos de Guimarães pavilion.

The morning began with the opening video summarising the ten-year history of this initiative, followed by Cristina Maia’s presentation on the status of the 8 Get Together projects given the green light in 2022.

The event also featured a presentation by Norberto Amaral, who demonstrated a new fast-paced presentation format called IGNITE, involving a 5-minute presentation using 20 slides – that’s one slide automatically advancing every 15 seconds. This was followed by the usual space for knowledge sharing and innovation, during which the following projects were presented:

  • Constru Client App | Pedro Bento, Rodrigo Praça and João Botelho
  • BIM Dashboards | José Pedro Mota and Pedro Carneiro
  • Casais Insight Hub | Jorge Fernandes, Francisco Esteves, Inês Faria and Sónia Barbosa
  • Casais RequestHub | Ricardo Marcelino Gomes
  • Sound On | Tiago Lima
  • RobotBlu | Ana Filipa Simões and Hugo Sousa
  • Q.Station | Ana Filipa Simões, Pedro Neiva and Ricardo Rego
  • Ginásio Consciente  (Conscious Gym) | Adriana Gomes and Isabel Godinho
  • BluKids | Claúdia Lima, Daniela Pereira, Filipa Rocha and Inês Brandão
  • Engage Casais APP | Andreia Ferreira, Diana Raposo and Manuel Carvalho
  • Casais EAT&GO | Ana Fernandes and Andreia Campos
  • OP Challenge | José Horta
  • S.E.R 360° | Ana Barbosa, Flávia Costa, Marisa Dias and Soraia Pereira

During the coffee break, all participants—even those who had not presented a Get Together idea—had the opportunity to put a new idea and/or suggestion for improving something existing in the organization on the Innovation Wall

In the second half of the morning, Group employees—both in person and via Teams—left their mark on the event with personal and group contributions through reflection and sharing on what it has meant to Be CASAIS during the last ten years of history built together.

As in the previous edition, awards were given to the ideas and projects presented. The Communication and Innovation Awards were chosen by participants, while the Get Together Award was decided by the Casais Group Board of Directors. The Communication Award was given in recognition of merit in terms of the appeal, structure and presentation of ideas, with Sound On winning this category. Q. Station came out on top, winning the Innovation Award for the most innovative idea.

Finally, 10 ideas were honoured with the Get Together Prize for their potential impact on and usefulness within the Group:

  • Constru Client App
  • BIM Dashboards
  • Casais Insight Hub
  • Sound On
  • Q.Station
  • Ginásio Consciente (Conscious Gym)
  • BluKids
  • Engage Casais APP
  • Casais EAT&GO
  • S.E.R 360°

As another Get Together edition came to a close, it was generally agreed that with everyone’s knowledge, support, and collaboration, we have contributed to building this story.


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