Quadrina integrates a new department in its structure


Recently the switchboard company included the Automation department in its structure. This department’s main mission is to provide engineering solutions in various sectors, such as GTC, home automation, machine automation, and small industrial installations.

For the creation of this new department, and as a form of differentiation, Quadrina conducted a search in the national and international market for several reference brands. Currently, the company is a partner of Tridium, Siemens, Hager, EAE, Regin, Phoenix Contact, Akuvox, Circutor, Carlo Gavazzi, having completed the following works in the last year:

  • GTC for HVAC of a hotel in Lisbon with 130 rooms;
  • Lighting control (KNX) in a university residence in Porto with 219 rooms;
  • GTC for HVAC of an office building in Porto;
  • Control for eight Air Handling Units for the International School of Coimbra;
  • Control of a humidification system in a food industry;
  • Lighting Control in a Government Building.


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