TBM has the participation of more than 400 employees


The 9th edition of The Big Meeting, which annually gathers the Casais Group’s staff, took place on January 3rd, at the University of Minho, in Braga. This year more than 400 collaborators participated in the working day, which was filled with lectures and the interventions of the Casais Group’s Administrators.

The event also counted with a Vox Pop with questions from the collaborators for all the administrators, as well as a Wrap Up, by the CEO of Casais EC, António Carlos Rodrigues. The entertaining moment of the day was in charge of comedian Pedro Neves and his speech entitled “Evolution with Humor”.

The 9th edition ended with an internal video about the evolution of the company, what we have built, and what prospects and goals we want to achieve.



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Formulário de dúvidas e denúncias

É importante para o Grupo Casais, conhecer as suas sugestões e reclamações, de forma a garantir que podemos melhorar continuamente.

Como colaborador, colaborador de um nosso parceiros, parte interessada ou testemunha pode denunciar situações de forma anónima, submeter informação sobre situações condenáveis ou denunciar ações ilegais, que violem políticas internas e/ou o nosso código de conduta de fornecedores.

As denúncias podem ser efetuadas de forma confidencial, indicando o nome e as informações de contacto ou, se quiser, de forma 100% anónima, deixando os campos em branco. Todas as denúncias serão tratadas de forma segura e confidencial.