Bairro Alto Hotel distinguished with several awards


Demanding projects seek competent teams

The Bairro Alto Hotel was a work executed in three phases by Casais Engenharia e Construção and has recently received these three distinctions as a result of our award applications:

Portugal 2020 Real Estate Exhibition – 09/10
Best Urban Rehabilitation in the Tourism category

Expresso/Sic Notícias Real Estate Awards – 13/10
Prestige Category
Urban Rehabilitation and Reconstruction- Tourism Category

Reference works are part of our portfolio

We had other works with participation of the Casais Group distinguished in this edition of the Real Estate Expresso/SIC Notícias Awards:

The winner of the Sustainability Category was Belas Clube de Campo.

The building projects on Av. Alexandre Herculano 41 and Lisbonwood, both in Lisbon were also among the nominees of this initiative.

Congratulations to all the colleagues, teams, and partners who made these projects possible and who, without exception, deserve these recognitions.

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