CarpinAngola’s application for the “Made in Angola” program approved


CarpinAngola’s application for the “Made in Angola” program approved

The “Made in Angola” is a program created by the Ministry of Economy to certify the products and services manufactured and produced in national territory. The objectives of this certification are:

  • Promote the consumption and loyalty of Angolans to the national product;
  • Unite companies under one global brand to increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • Increase national pride and strengthen the country’s economy.

By joining the “Made in Angola” program, CarpinAngola can take advantage of the various benefits granted to the members:

  • Use of the logo on your products. This will be used in multiple advertising and awareness campaigns by the Ministry and other companies in the program, becoming a symbol of quality;
  • Access to exclusive contents, such as INAPEM’s trainings or the program’s newsletter;
  • Networking opportunities with other members.

With the approval of the application, CarpinAngola can integrate the program that already has more than 101 members, including companies such as TAAG, BCI, BAI, Lactiangol and Agrolíder.


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