Casais and Secil create paradigm shift in construction with launch of KREAR joint venture


Casais Group and Secil have underpinned their common goal of promoting sustainable construction by launching KREAR, a joint venture project to do just that. With innovative production facilities in Estarreja, this brand-new company has set its sights on helping to make a more sustainable world for generations to come. But how? By promoting high levels of quality and flexibility in the design and application of industrialized construction solutions and systems for more efficient, safer and healthier buildings.

KREAR is intent on becoming the agile driving force behind a new construction paradigm in Portugal – and a key point of reference for the engineers and architects of tomorrow. This joint venture will develop innovative solutions to improve the quality of life for end clients. The priority is to establish collaboration between all those involved in the construction sector in the interests of developing sustainable solutions and accelerating digital transformation through knowledge sharing.

Industrialisation, now widely known as industrialised construction, involves the standardised prefabrication off site of individual components of a building which leads directly to efficiency gains and enables faster construction times than those possible using traditional construction methods. A project carried out using this type of construction can take 25% to 50% less time than a conventional construction project. One such case in point is the MITH – Minho Innovation and Technology Hub, in Guimarães, “powered by” Casais. MITH is a space that is meant for combining technology, innovation and sustainability in a collaborative environment. The first phase has already been completed and was built using the timber-hybrid—a wood and concrete composite—construction system developed by CREE Buildings.

This innovative construction model achieves economies of scale since increases in production levels and efficiency reduce construction costs. What’s more, at a time when the construction sector is facing a labour shortage crisis, industrialised construction is more time-efficient, allowing for fewer hours on site, resulting in labour cost savings. It is also safer for workers, as it limits their exposure to unsafe conditions on the construction site. The prefabricated modular components that make up this type of off-site construction are manufactured in a controlled environment, ensuring high standards of quality combined with the efficient use of materials, thereby reducing noise pollution and waste on site.

KREAR is already implementing both public and private commercial projects within the building segment focusing on housing. Although the Portuguese market is the primary target for these solutions at the moment, KREAR has already begun to implement its strategy of international expansion, assessing potential opportunities in countries such as Spain and France.

“Climate change is a reality and all sectors need to consolidate efforts to mitigate its impacts. Industrialised construction is one of the key structural elements that the construction sector can rely on to support its sustainability strategy, without having to compromise on design and quality. And KREAR is perfectly placed to handle these challenges,” says Daniel Granjo, Managing Director of KREAR.

António Carlos Rodrigues, CEO of the Casais Group, says that the investment in KREAR “is integral to and evidence of the Group’s striving towards the implementation of more and more sustainable working models aligned with its strategic priorities (Productivity, People, and the Planet). The hybrid construction model, which combines the best of concrete and other endogenous renewable materials such as wood, can be used in several different segments, including that of housing, and it can also meet all the building standards requirements and make faster, more competitive and efficient execution possible at the same time.”

Otmar Hübscher, CEO of SECIL, points out that, “At SECIL, sustainability is the right way forward. In recent years, we have been refining our strategies to make economic performance compatible with respect for the environment and responsible citizenship. We are fully aware that investing in the circular economy and reducing CO2 emissions is fundamental to minimizing climate change. It is this commitment that prompted us to enter into this innovative KREAR joint venture with Casais Group.”

CASAIS Group and SECIL Group are leading companies in the construction sector in Portugal, and both have a long history of innovation and commitment to quality. KREAR demonstrates their common desire to be a driving force in sustainably developing the construction sector within Portugal and abroad.


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