Casais Group organizes a digital seminar on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability


Casais Group organizes a digital seminar on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

On the 6th of January 2021, between 09h00 and 13h00, the Casais Group in partnership with the Diário Imobiliário newspaper will promote a seminar under the theme “Climate Changes and Environmental Sustainability”. The event will have the special participation of António Carlos Rodrigues, Casais Group’s CEO.

The seminar aims to address issues such as Climate Change, Sustainability in the context of construction and how it contributes to climate change mitigation, prefabrication and off-site construction, and Circularity in Construction and Rehabilitation, with a focus on waste.

The speakers who will participate in the event are, Luísa Magalhães Executive Director of the Smart Waste Portugal Association, the Architect and Researcher José Pequeno, the Architect Pedro Ressano Garcia from Ressano Garcia Architects and Pedro Martins Barata Partner from Get2C, responsible for the coordination of projects in the area of climate policy and strategic consulting.

The initiative will have two moments open to the public, the Conference “Climate Changes and Environmental Sustainability” and also, an entirely online exhibition to show the companies and markets of the Casais Group, but also its partners and business network.

Registration HERE!


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