Casais Open Week 6th Edition


The Casais Open Week 6th edition was an opportunity for students and guests to see how Casais universe is. This event took place from the 17th to the 22nd of October at several construction sites and Casais headquarters.

Throughout the week, we open our doors to students and families of our employees to get to know our facilities, works, projects, career opportunities and what it means to be a Casais person. The activities of this initiative took place in several cities in the country like Braga, Porto, Lisbon and Silves.

We welcomed on the first day several junior hight and university students at the Group’s headquarters in Braga. where they can see and learn the entire prefabrication process: from design to execution, with visits to the factories.

The following day, the stage for the events was the Hotel B&B Porto-Gaia, to get to know the work, the way it is managed and the career opportunities provided within the Casais Group.

On Wednesday, October 19th, there was, as on the previous day, a visit to the work. This time in Lisbon, students and invited professors got to know the RSB Quartel in Chelas. The subject of prefabrication and the management of Casais works was also addressed, as well as the professional paths that can be followed in the Group.

This was followed, on October 20, in Silves, by monitoring the work Bayline Armação de Pêra. During this visit, there was also a presentation of careers, as well as work management. On the same day, an online conference was held on the theme of “Transformation of the Construction Sector – Productivity + People + Planet”, with a practical case on the Hotel B&B Guimarães, 1º Edifício Híbrido da Península Ibérica, a work by the Grupo Couples. This conference was open to the general public, with a question and answer session.

On the last working day of the week, we open the doors of the headquarters in Braga, in an Open Day initiative that is part of the Open Week, to those interested who can see the different departments of the group in loco. They passed through the Commercial, Financial, Marketing, IT and Human Resources departments to stay abreast of their functions and daily activities.

On Saturday, the 22nd, and the last day of the 6th Open Week edition, Family Day was celebrated, with employees, family and friends participating in various activities and get-togethers scheduled for Braga, Lisbon and Loulé.

The initiative, which was very popular among the student community and professors, as well as the group’s employees, aims to make Casais, its culture, projects and a bit of its dailymodus operandi known to the most varied audiences, from north to north. to the south of the country.


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