Casais renews title of Best Construction company.


Casais renews title of Best Construction company.

Casais Engenharia e Construção won, for the fifth time, the award for “Best Construction Company”, in the CONSTRUIR Awards. The 2022 ceremony took place this at Parque Mayer, in Lisbon.

he nominations by the CONSTRUIR Journal team– promoter of the initiative – are based on the analysis of criteria such as merit, technique, functionality and innovation, between January 2021 and September of this year. The winners are decided by public vote.

“Being considered once again the Best Construction company is another proof that the market recognizes the values ​​and execution capacity of the Casais Group”, said CEO, António Carlos Rodrigues.

“We will continue with our mission of serving customers and generating wealth – both from an economic and social point of view –, based on a management that prioritizes strategic partnerships and new markets linked to excellence and sustainability” .

This distinction reinforces the positioning of the Casais Group as a reference for knowledge and solidity in the Engineering and Construction area. Construir Awards

This awards are promoted by the a portuguese newspaper with the same name, and winners are chosen be public vote.

Access to the voting form was only allowed after entering the e-mail address registered as a subscriber or subscriber to the newspaper and newsletter.

Casais Engenharia e Construção won, for the fifth time, the award for “Best Construction Company” in the CONSTRUIR Awards.


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