Employees join the World Blood Donor Day


On June 14, 2022, we launched a challenge for our employees so they can join and donate blood. And they joined this important and life saving gesture.

In allusion to the date, about 40 employees joined the internal campaign for blood donation, which took place on July 11th, in the headquarters of the Casais Group, in Braga.

With this action, 26 new blood bags were collected for the Portuguese Blood Institute, IP and the Oporto Blood and Transplantation Center. A gesture that makes the organization very proud, as it is in the habit, within the scope of its social responsibility, of carrying out awareness actions among all employees about the importance of blood donation.

The World Blood Donor Day was created in 2004 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and aims to honor all blood donors and make the population aware of the importance of this life-saving act.

Because blood donation is a fundamental civic duty, we invite you to visit https://dador.pt/


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É importante para o Grupo Casais, conhecer as suas sugestões e reclamações, de forma a garantir que podemos melhorar continuamente.

Como colaborador, colaborador de um nosso parceiros, parte interessada ou testemunha pode denunciar situações de forma anónima, submeter informação sobre situações condenáveis ou denunciar ações ilegais, que violem políticas internas e/ou o nosso código de conduta de fornecedores.

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