3rd edition Meet&Greet received entrepreneurs and professionals in Guimarães


The first session of Meet&Greet @Casais, on September 17th, had dozens of participants at the 1st hybrid building of the Iberian Peninsula, in Guimarães, Portugal.

The session began with an icebreaker activity between participants and directors, leading them to reflect on what they wanted to hear and know during conversations with the Directors. The message from António Carlos Rodrigues, CEO of Grupo Casais, was followed by another activity focusing on thefour strategic ESG priorities.

All the participants had a relaxed conversation in the different spaces. Each of them had the opportunity to choose one of the areas, like Innovation, Value or Future space to present their ideas.

Meet&Greet is an annual event that identifies the best ideas and projects from professionals and entrepreneurs and leverages their projects and businesses through investment and mentoring from the Casais Group.

The next session will be in Lisbon on October 1st. And registrations are now open on the event’s official website https://meetandgreet.casais.pt/


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