Meet&Greet @Casais 2022 is seeking entrepreneurs and professionals


The third edition of Meet&Greet Casais will take place in two cities. It starts in Guimarães(Hotel B&B) on September 17 and on October 1 will take place in Lisbon (Estádio da Luz). This event wants to identify the best ideas and projects from professionals and entrepreneurs and leverage their projects and businesses through investment and mentoring from the Casais Group, a reference company in Portugal in the construction sector.

With this initiative, the Casais Group is seeking innovative ideas and projects with differentiated technologies and with a concern about sustainability. The event is open to ideas and projects with a range of knowledge and professionals with inspiring careers. Meet & Greet is an opportunity to find investment and mentoring for projects and professionals through a trusted partner.

Sign up

During the morning, the Administration and Directors of the Casais Group will be available to listen to ideas and projects, meet people, and talk about the future and opportunities to enhance careers and businesses.

The Meet & Greet is also an opportunity to extend the network of contacts with professionals from the sector in the areas of Engineering, Human Resources, Marketing, Management, and Civil Construction. It is an initiative that allows you to learn about new and future market trends aligned with ESG policies.



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