Launched the foundation stone for the requalification of the Village and the Basilica of Muxima


The foundation stone for the requalification of the Muxima Village and the construction of its Basilica was laid on July 19th.

The consortium, led by Casais Angola, wants to improve the living conditions of the local populations and enhance tourist activity in the region. This fact was highlighted by João Lourenço, President of the Republic of that country after he launched the first stone of the works of upgrading the village of Muxima and construction of the shrine.

Some representatives of the Catholic Church, among them Cardinal Dom Alexandre do Nascimento, were at this event to bless the construction work.

The estimated time for the conclusion of the works of the future Basilica is about three years. And is dedicated to Our Lady of Conception of the Village of Muxima, popularly known as the Muxima Shrine or “Mamã Muxima” (Muxima mother).


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