Lisbon hosted the 3rd Edition Meet&Greet @Casais


Lisbon hosted the 3rd Edition Meet&Greet @Casais

The 3rd edition of Meet and Greet @Casais was concluded on Saturday, October 1st, with the second event held at Estádio da Luz, in Lisbon.

The first session had already been a success, on the 17th of September, at the Hotel B&B, in Guimarães. This second day was no different, with the participation of entrepreneurs and professionals who sought, in a more relaxed, informal and dynamic environment, to present business ideas and projects, show skills and take advantage of opportunities to create a network of knowledge and contacts with professionals in the areas of Engineering, Human Resources, Marketing, Management and Civil Construction, as well as staying abreast of new trends in different markets, always in line with an innovative and sustainable policy.

In the different Spaces – Innovation, Value and Future -, there were directors from different sectors to interact, exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences with the participants of the event, happened previously in Guimarães.


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