Braga University Residence contract signed


On 29 November, the contract was signed for the construction of the new Braga University Residence, on the former Confiança Factory site, located in the parish of São Victor. Representing an investment of EUR 25.51 million, the project includes 786 beds for students, in response to the growing need for good quality and affordable university […]

Fábrica 390 boosts urban and social rehabilitation in Matosinhos


Tuesday 29 October saw the Casais Group and developer MPSP welcoming the Mayor of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro to Fábrica 390, a multi-purpose development with 50 apartments of various types which will also be the new base for the IMP Diagnostics laboratory of the IMP Group. Situated in a prime location within the city’s urban fabric, […]

Assembly of the CREE Buildings structural elements begins in Beja Residence


The Casais Group has begun the installation of the structural elements of the CREE buildings in the Beja University Residence, to address the housing needs of the student community. Located next to the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, these student residences cover an area of around 11,000 square metres, […]

Assembly of the Valença Residence structure now complete

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In just nine days, the Casais Group finished assembling the entire structure of a student residence in Valença, responding to the growing housing needs of the student community there. The residence will serve the School of Business Sciences (ESCE), a tertiary educational centre in Valença which falls under the aegis of the Polytechnic Institute of […]

Casais Group inaugurates the Corporate First Gaia

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This Friday, 21 June, as part of the Sunny Casais partnership, the Casais Group is inaugurating Corporate First Gaia, a multidisciplinary building that includes the hotel B&B Porto Gaia hotel, and 15 office units. The Mayor of Vila Nova de Gaia, Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, will attend the inauguration. Located next to Avenida da República 1363 […]

11TH Porto Urban Rehabilitation Week

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The Casais Group was once again present at Porto’s Urban Rehabilitation Week, a leading event for the sector and for professionals working in the field of urban rehabilitation. For three days, Constru, Carpin and Bluint—all Casais Group companies—had the opportunity to demonstrate their expertise. In addition to visiting the exhibition stand, Casais Group CEO António […]

Grupo Casais deepen ties with Cree Buildings as a shareholder.

Grupo Casais torna-se acionista da Cree Buildings

Casais Group and Cree Buildings have always shared a common goal; to spearhead a green transition in construction. Now, three years after becoming a Cree license partner and successfully implementing Cree in Portugal. Casais will further strengthen its strategic partnership by becoming a key shareholder. The task of transforming an industry is no easy one, […]

Casais Group reinforces its bet on Asset Promotion and Management in Portugal

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Following its wide experience in real estate promotion, either in the housing segment or in industrial, commercial, hotel and services buildings, the Casais Group, despite the current context, keeps an investment cycle in assets based on a set of premises that Covid-19 reinforces and confirms. In this sense, the Casais Group, besides being the company […]

Ampere Energy launches Ampere T-Pro and Ampere E-Loop solutions

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The smart battery company has taken another step toward the new energy model in terms of self-consumption, intelligent energy storage, and electromobility. The new Ampere T-Pro three-phase batteries allow the storage of energy for small industries or even large houses, and also allow to safeguard a circuit with constant power, without breaks. The new E-loop […]


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